8 research outputs found

    An Asymmetric Watermarking Method in the DCT Domain Based on RC4-Permutation and Chaotic Map

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    This paper presents an asymmetric watermarking method in the DCT domain for still images based on permutation and chaos. This method uses secret watermark as private key and public watermark as public key. The public watermark has a normal distribution with mean = 0 and variance = 1. The secret watermark is obtained by permutating the public watermark according to combination of a part of RC4 algorithm and a logistic map. The watermark is embedded into mid-frequency components of the DCT block for better robustness. The detection process is implemented by correlation test between the public watermark and the received image. Experiments show that the watermarking method was proved to be robust againts some typical image processings (cropping, JPEG compression, resizing, rotation, sharpening, and noising)

    How Digital Literacy Affects Indonesian Students' Motivation and Interest in Entrepreneurship

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    This study aims to investigate the impact of digital literacy on motivation and interest in entrepreneurship at the Mardira Indonesia College of Information and Computer Management (STMIK). A survey of 100 students was conducted using a quantitative approach. The results showed a significant positive effect of digital literacy on students' entrepreneurial motivation and interest. The implications of this research provide a deeper understanding of the importance of digital literacy in influencing student entrepreneurial attitudes and behaviors in the digital era. The implications of this research include increasing digital literacy awareness, the role of education in developing entrepreneurial skills, developing entrepreneurship coaching programs, and increasing career opportunities and economic independence of students. Keywords: Digital literacy; Digitalization; Entrepreneurial Motivation; Entrepreneurial Interest; Student’s MotivationPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi dampak literasi digital terhadap motivasi dan minat berwirausaha di Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer (STMIK) Mardira Indonesia. Dilakukan dengan metode survei terhadap 100 mahasiswa menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Hasilnya menunjukkan pengaruh positif signifikan literasi digital terhadap motivasi dan minat berwirausaha mahasiswa. Implikasi dari penelitian ini memberikan pemahaman yang lebih dalam tentang pentingnya literasi digital dalam memengaruhi sikap dan perilaku berwirausaha mahasiswa di era digital. Implikasi penelitian ini mencakup peningkatan kesadaran literasi digital, peran pendidikan dalam mengembangkan keterampilan berwirausaha, pengembangan program pembinaan kewirausahaan, dan peningkatan peluang karir serta kemandirian ekonomi mahasiswa.  Kata Kunci: Literasi Digital; Digitalisasi; Motivasi Berwirausaha; Minat Berwirausaha; Motivasi Pelaja

    Membangun Startup ARSpira Sebuah Platform E-Counseling Berbasis Website Untuk Pelajar SMA

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    Startup merupakan sebuah institusi manusia yang didesain untuk membuat sebuah produk baru atau jasa dibawah kondisi ketidakpastian yang ekstrim. Peluang usaha startup di era digital seperti sekarang ini sangatlah besar apalagi dengan kondisi pandemi yang sangatlah membatasi ruang gerak hampir seluruh manusia di muka bumi yang mengakibatkan kejenuhan dan juga berbagai masalah lainnya termasuk kesehatan mental siswa-siswi SMA yang mau tidak mau harus bersekolah dari rumah dan akses untuk melakukan bimbingan konseling dengan guru BK menjadi sangat sulit. Oleh karena itu sebuah terobosan diambil oleh perusahaan startup baru yang bergerak dibidang E-Counseling bernama ARSpira untuk memberikan solusi bagi permasalahan tersebut

    Penerapan Lean Canvas Pada Startup Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Lunchat

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    Lunchat merupakan sebuah startup di bidang pendidikan yang menciptakan sebuah aplikasi kursus bahasa Inggris berbasis website yang dapat mempermudah masyarakat Indonesia dalam belajar bahasa Inggris. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan dan mempertajam model bisnis yang diterapkan di startup Lunchat. Metode pengembangan sistem yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah menggunakan metode lean canvas sebagai analisis bisnis. Dengan penerapan lean canvas dapat memudahkan pembuat dalam melakukan proses validasi, karena dapat melihat model bisnis secara keseluruhan, sehingga dapat mengurangi resiko dalam melakukan bisnis. Hal ini karena antara produk atau jasa yang ditawarkan sesuai dengan yang diinginkan oleh pasar. Hasil dari implementasi startup Lunchat menjadikan suatu peluang yang menjanjikan untuk memperluas sektor usaha sehingga Lunchat dapat bersaing di era Industry 4.0 ini

    Watermarking and Content Protection For Digital Images and Video.

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    With the advent of the world-wide-web, e-commerce and broadband connectivity to the home, electronic distribution of digital multimedia including music, photographs and movies, has been growing rapidly. Although there are many advantages, these technologies can create a serious problem for copyright holders. Consequently, protection for multimedia distribution against piracy is needed. A part of the solution is to use a watermark indicating content owner or distribution route, which is transparently and robustly embedded into the material. This thesis discusses several problems in watermarking design, including the imperceptibility and robustness to a variety of attacks. In particular, the StirMark random geometric attack is difficult to counter. Subsequently, several robust and transparent watermarking schemes for images and video and also an image confidentiality protection scheme, are presented. The original contributions can be summarized as follows. First, a robustness improvement of an existing scheme, namely watermarking by complementary modulation, is introduced. One existing method based on this to combat the StirMark random geometric attack, is shown to be invalid. Next, a new valid method to combat this random geometric attack is presented. Other methods of robust image watermarking, which consider the image texture, are proposed. By using these schemes, the watermark can be embedded in either low, high or both textures. Afterwards, an oblivious or blind detection method is suggested. This oblivious method can be used in conjunction with the previously described methods or can be used also with other existing methods. The above approaches are extended into video watermarking. A method to increase the imperceptibility by exploiting the human visual sensitivity is also designed. Subsequently, a method to detect video scene characteristic to suit a particular embedding scheme is presented. Finally, an efficient method to protect image confidentiality based on camouflaging and selective encryption, is introduced

    Asymmetric Watermarking Scheme Based on Correlation Testing

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    AbstractAsymmetric watermarking is the second generation of watermarking scheme which uses different keys for embedding and detecting watermark. Key for embedding is private or secret, but key for detecting can be available publicly and everyone who has the key can detect watermark Watermark detection does not need to be original multimedia data. Detection of watermark is realized using correlation test between public key and multimedia data received. In most of schemes, private key is the watermark itself; public key is public watermark which correlates to the private watermark This paper presents concept of asymmetric watermarking scheme that based on correlation test and reviews some schemes of asymmetric watermarking that have been proposed by researchers.Keywords: asymmetric watermarking, private key, public key, watermark., multimeelia,:correlation